5 Struggles Your Foster Students Wished You Knew

On September 30, 2022, I was scheduled to present at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics annual conference in Los Angeles, California. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend. But my co-presenter Robert Kaplinsky took on the presentation for us: 5 Struggles Your Foster Students Wished You Knew. This was a passion project for us because we both came through the foster care system.

We had originally intended to present together in September 2020, but the pandemic had other plans. So we recorded my part as well as added in Jessica Jones’ perspective. We recorded and are sharing this presentation with the hope that it could live on and continue to benefit foster youth. We appreciate you making time to watch and share your learnings.

Click on the image to be taken to the video. 

Robert also provided a handout you can download. It’s a one-page PDF version of the takeaways to share with your colleagues here.